The Grand Palace

6 - 9 Days


+ 2



3 Years

499 $

Amazing Experience

The Grand Palace is a complex of buildings at the heart of Bangkok, Thailand. The palace has been the official residence of the Kings of Siam since 1782. The king, his court, and his royal government were based on the grounds of the palace until 1925. King Bhumibol Adulyadej, resided at the Chitralada Royal Villa and his successor King Vajiralongkorn at the Amphorn Sathan Residential Hall, both in the Dusit Palace, but the Grand Palace is still used for official events.

Several royal ceremonies and state functions are held within the walls of the palace every year. The palace is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Thailand.

Entrance to the museums

50% discount on all admissions

Travel with children and pets

Possibility to rent the stroller

Travel by bus, car and minivan

Air conditioning guaranteed

Package specifications

Travel cancellation insurance

Breakfast and dinner included

Health care included

Services NOT included

Lunch not included in the package

Baggage protection insurance

Tour Map

Day by Day

Construction of the palace began on 6 May 1782, at the order of King Phutthayotfa Chulalok, the founder of the Chakri Dynasty, when he moved the capital city from Thonburi to Bangkok.. Lets give you a tour of this place, Throughout successive reigns, many new buildings and structures were added, especially during the reign of King Chulalongkorn. By 1925, the king, the Royal Family and the government, were no longer permanently settled at the palace, and had moved to other residences

DAY 1 - Departure at the airport and arrival at the hotel

Get tourist settled into their hotels and prep them for the adventure, it promises to be an unforgetable one.

DAY 2 - Visit the main museums and lunch included

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DAY 3 - Excursion in the natural oasis and picnic

Peak moment of bounding with other tourist travelers

DAY 4 - Tourist attractions within country

Tourist get the luxury to see other attractions depending on availabilty

DAY 5 - Transfer to the airport and return to the agency

Prep the tourist for return flight and departure